
Algebra Help: Section 1.4

Learn eleven algebraic axioms and their meanings.

What's an Axiom?

An Axiom is a self-evident truth. The principles of all algebraic operations are based upon the following axioms:

Algebra Axioms Screen Shot

Eleven Axioms

  1. If the same quantity or equal quantities be added to equal quantities, their sums will be equal.
  2. If the same quantity or equal quantities be subtracted from equal quantities, the remainders will be equal.
  3. If equal quantities be multiplied by the same, or by equal quantities, the products will be equal.
  4. If equal quantities be divided by the same, or by equal quantities, the quotients will be equal.
  5. If the same quantity be both added to and subtracted from another, the value of the latter will not be altered.
  6. If a quantity be both multiplied and divided by another, the value of the former will not be altered.
  7. Quantities which are respectively equal to any other quantity are equal to each other.
  8. Like powers of equal quantities are equal.
  9. Like roots of equal quantities are equal.
  10. The whole of any quantity is greater than any of its parts.
  11. The whole of any quantity is equal to the sum of all its parts.



Help with Algebra Homework

Free tutorials provide math help for math problems. Tutorials start with algebra 1. Algebra tutorials include word problems related to algebra topics, as they're introduced. See the menu, above for algebra math equations, and explanation, by section.

Windows algebra games, designed to help with classwork, coming soon! Windows games, in progress, work with this set of free tutorials, modified from the public domain text book titled, New Elementary Algebra containing the rudiments of the science for schools and academies. By Horation N Robinison, LL. D. Ivison, Blakeman & Company, Publishers, New York and Chicago.

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