Subtraction Rule One

Algebra Help: Section 2.8

Change the sign of the subtrahend.


From       15a   10a   5a   0
Take        5a    5a   5a   5a
Difference 10a    5a   0   -5a

ANALYSIS - Since the minuends decrease by 5a toward the right, and the subtrahends are all equal, the remainders must decrease by 5a, and the last remainder is therefore -5a.

We cannot, numerically, take a greater quantity from a less, nor any quantity from zero, for no quantity can be less than nothing. Hence, in the last two examples, the answer -5a, is not 5a less than nothing, but 5a applied in the opposite direction to +5a. To subtract a quantity algebraically, is to change the direction in which it is applied. Thus, we see that by a change of sign, we can find the algebraic difference between any two quantities whatever.

From these examples and illustrations we derive the following.

  1. Change the sign of the subtrahend, or conceive it to be changed, and unite the terms as in addition.

Pages 34-35

Pages 34-35

Help with Algebra Homework

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