Numbers Game Help

Help Level 4d


Learn to Play the Numbers Game Level Four

n! Factorial Symbol

The factorial symbol for the game, above, multiplies a series of numbers, starting with the number 1. In most mathematical equations factorial is just represented as a digit followed by an exclamation point, !. However the numbers game wants you to find a digit to represent n, in the symbol above.

Select a digit, then select the factorial n! symbol. The digit you select substitutes for n.

For example, assume you select 3 then the n! symbol. The factorial of 3 equals 6 because 1 * 2 * 3 = 6.


Assume the following question displays below the landscape.

Form an expression which evaluates to 2.

To find the correct answer select 2, then tap the n! symbol. The expression 1 * 2 evaluates to 2 because 1 * 2 = 2. Your score increases by forty points. However other correct expressions might exist in the game.

The factorial symbol provides very rapid increases in value. For example the factorial of 7 equals 5040.

Cheat Sheet for Factorial

The domain for the Numbers Game level four is {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}. The range for factorial n! follows.


The result equals {1,2,6,24,120,720,5040}. Therefore factorial n! calculates to one of seven values from the set {1,2,6,24,120,720,5040}, in level four of the Numbers Game.

Help with Sigma Sum a Series

For details regarding summation see Sum a Series.

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