Add Similar Terms

Algebra Help: Section 2.2

Have help adding similar terms with algebra.

Apply positive and negative operators. Replace named objects with literals.

Similar Terms Screen Shot

Case 1

To Add Similar Terms

1. A cooper made 7 barrels on Monday, 9 barrels on Tuesday, and 6 barrels on Wednesday. How many barrels did the cooper make?


7 barrels
9 barrels
6 barrels
22 barrels

Answer: 22 barrels.



Answer: 22b

ANALYSIS - We represent 1 barrel by the letter b; then 7b will represent 7 barrels, 9b will represent 9 barrels, 6b will represent 6 barrels. Since 7 barrels, 9 barrels, plus 6 barrels are 22 barrels, 7b, 9b with 6b are 22b.

2. A mass of iron and wood is submerged in water by its own gravity. Let the literal l represent weight of mass. The iron tends to sink with a force of 20l, and the wood bouys upward with a force of 16l. What will the whole mass weigh while under water?


ANALYSIS - We indicate actual weight by the plus sign, and the opposite force, or bouyancy, by the minus sign. Since the tendency to sink is greater by 4l than the tendency to rise, the mass has a weight of 4l; hence, + 20l and - 16l united are + 4l.

NOTE - The answer, + 4l, in the above example, is called, the algebraic sum of the two forces, + 20l and -16l, because it shows their unified effect.



Help with Algebra Homework

Free tutorials provide math help for math problems. Tutorials start with algebra 1. Algebra tutorials include word problems related to algebra topics, as they're introduced. See the menu, above for algebra math equations, and explanation, by section.

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