Geometry 3D Help

Answers Level 1

Vector, Rhombus...

See graphics and read descriptions of a vector, rhombus, equilateral triangle, octagon and quatrefoil. Have help with the Geometry 3D game level 1.


The vector symbol is a straight line with an arrow at one end. Vectors represent magnitude and direction. Vectors are used in various forms of mathematical topics, such as three dimensional mathematics used to prepare 3D games.


A rhombus has four sides, with two pairs of parallel sides. A square is a rhombus with right angles. A right angle is a 900 angle. However a rhombus can have parallel sides with acute or obtuse angles. Sides can angle left, right, up, or down. However opposite sides must be parallel. Angles are equal on opposite sides. For example a diamond shape is a rhombus. The plural for rhombus is rhombi or rhombuses.

Equilateral Triangle

Each side of an equilateral triangle is the same length. Every angle equals sixty degrees. Triangles have three sides or edges. The sum of all three angles always equals one hundred and eighty degrees. 3 x 60 = 180.


An octagon has eight sides with eight angles. The octagon is flat. An octagon doesn't include depth or three dimensions. Octagons define the top and bottom of a three dimensional octagonal prism.


Quatrefoils are decorative ornaments with four lobes which radiate from the center. Four sections of a quatrefoil join in the middle.

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