Numbers Game Help

Help Level 3

Factorial, Square, and Cube

Learn to Play the Numbers Game Level Three

Select the Play button at any time to start or restart the game. Play resets your score for this level. The game's over when either the timer runs out or you've answered every question.

Post Your Score

When the game's over enter a user name and password. Select the Post Score button to see how your score compares to others online. Each level starts over if you return and tap the Play button. To accumulate the highest score complete a level, then start another level.

Game Play

Questions display below the Mars scene. For each correct answer your score increases by 30 points. For each question tap a digit then a mathematical symbol. Digits include numbers one through seven. Factorial, cube, and square symbols also float in the Martian landscape.

n2 Square

The square of a number equals the number multiplied by itself. For example the square of 3 equals 9 because 3 * 3 = 9.

Assume the following question displays below the Martian landscape.

Form an expression which evaluates to 4.

To find the correct answer select the digit 2, then tap the n2 symbol. The digit you select substitutes for n. The symbol n2 now represents 22. 22 evaluates to 4 because 2 * 2 = 4. Your score increases by thirty points. However other correct expressions may exist. For example 2! = 2 because 1 * 2 = 2.

n3 Cube

The cube of a number equals the number multiplied by itself three times. For example the cube of 3 equals 27 because 3 * 3 * 3 = 27.

Assume the following question displays below the Mars background.

Form an expression which evaluates to 8.

Find the correct answer. Select the digit 2 then select n3. The digit you select substitutes for n. The expression 23 evaluates to 8 because 2 * 2 * 2 = 8. Your score increases by thirty points.

n! Factorial Symbol

Factorial Symbol The factorial symbol multiplies a series of numbers. For example the factorial of 3 equals 6 because 1 * 2 * 3 = 6.

Select a digit, then select the n! symbol. The digit you select substitutes for n.

Assume the following question displays below the landscape.

Form an expression which evaluates to 2.

To find the correct answer select 2, then tap the n! symbol. The expression 1 * 2 evaluates to 2 because 1 * 2 = 2. Your score increases by thirty points. However other correct expressions might exist within level three of the Numbers Game.

The factorial symbol provides very rapid increases in value. For example the factorial of 7 equals 5040.

Zoom In or Zoom Out

Select the magnifying glass icons below the Mars background to zoom in and out.

Space Image

The Mars photograph originated with NASA. Seven Thunder Software modified the image and prepared it for 3D display.

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