Downloads: 3D Programming for Beginners
Source Code, Graphics & HTML Markup
This is the download page for
projects described in the e-book, 3D Programming for Beginners
Readers may download JavaScript source code,
HTML markup with WebGL shaders, and graphics,
To run the projects on your local computer, please enable local file access. For example the following line starts the Chrome browser, with local file access.
chrome.exe" --allow-file-access-from-files
Source Code and Assets Zipped:
- Everything Zipped JavaScript, HTML template, and Graphics Zipped
Each Project in a Default HTML Web Page
- Web Page: WebGL Textured Square: gl-square.html
- Web Page: WebGL Repeat a Texture: gl-repeat-texture.html
- Web Page: WebGL Interactive Rotation: gl-interactive-rotate.html
- Web Page: Change Textures with WebGL: gl-change-texture.html
- Web Page: WebGL Repeat Texture 2 by 8: gl-repeat-2x8.html
Individual Source Files
- JavaScript: Controller.js
- JavaScript: Sprite.js
- JavaScript: Responsive.js
- JavaScript: WebGL Textured Square: GLSquare.js
- JavaScript: WebGL Repeat a Texture: GLSquareRepeat.js
- JavaScript: WebGL Interactive Rotation: GLSquareRotate.js
- JavaScript: Change Textures with WebGL: GLChangeTexture.js
- JavaScript: GLMatrix: glMatrix-0.9.5.min.js
Model Files
- JavaScript: Square.js
- JavaScript: SquareRepeat.js
- JavaScript: SquareRepeat2x8.js
Style Sheets
- CSS: base.css
- CSS: narrow.css
- CSS: portrait.css
Image Files
Feel free to modify CSS rule-sets and JavaScript to fit your Website. For example you might want full screen graphics, even in landscape orientation.